Jack Lancaster, Robin Lumley – Peter and the Wolf (1976) RSO Records

A sokhangszeres  Jack Lancester a Blodwyn Pig egyik alapító tagja, zeneszerző, és producer, valamint Robin Lumley dobos, billentyűs, zeneszerző és újságíró a hetvenes évek végén rockosította és nagyszerű zenészek segítségével lemezre vette Szergej Prokofjev Péter és a Farkas című szimfonikus meséjét.
Az albumot öt változatban is megjelentették, a különbség a narrátorok személyében és nyelvében volt.
Az angol narrátor Viv Stanshall volt.

01. Introduction – Gary Moore (acc. guitar), Robin Lumley (elec. piano), Jack Lancaster (lyricon), Julie Tippetts (vocal), Erika Michailenko (chimes)
02. Peter’s Theme – Manfred Mann (synthesizer), Pete Haywood (steel guitar), Percy Jones (bass), Cozy Powell (drums), Robin Lumley (string synthi), Jack Lancaster (saxes)
03.Bird And Peter (0:38) – Gary Brooker (synthesizer), John Goodsall (guitar), Pete Haywood (steel guitar), Robin Lumley (strings), Percy Jones (bass), Phil Collins (drums)
04. Duck Theme – Gary Moore (guitars), Robin Lumley (piano), Andy Pyle (bass)
05.Pond – Keith Tippett (piano), Phil Collins (vibes), Erika Michailenko(chimes)
06. Duck And Bird – Gary Moore (guitar), Gary Brooker (synthesizer)
07. Cat Dance – Stephane Grappelli (violin), Alvin Lee (guitar), Dave Marquee (bass)
08. Cat And Duck – Henry Lowther (violin), Gary Moore (guitars), John Goodsall (guitars), Percy Jones (bass), Robin Lumley (clarinet), Phil Collins (drums)
09. Grandfather – Jack Lancaster (lyricon, saxes), Robin Lumley (piano), Gary Moore (slide guitar), John Goodsall (guitar), Percy Jones (bass), Phil Collins (drums)
10. Cat – Stephane Grappelli (violin), Dave Marquee (bass)
11. Wolf – Brian Eno (synthesizer), Robin Lumley (synthesizer, piano)
12. Wolf And Duck – Chris Spedding (guitar), Brian Eno (synthesizer), Robin Lumley (piano), Percy Jones (bass), Phil Collins (drums)
13. Threnody For A Duck – English Chorale (choir), Geoff Leach (arranger)
14. Wolf Stalks – Brian Eno (synthesizer), Robin Lumley (synthesizer, piano), John Goodsall (guitar), Jack Lancaster (guitar), Percy Jones (bass), Phil Collins (drums)
15. Cat In Tree – Stephane Grappelli (violin)
16. Peter’s Chase (John Goodsall (guitar), Gary Moore (guitar), Robin Lumley (synthesizer), Percy Jones (bass), Phil Collins (drums)
17. Capture Of Wolf – Brian Eno (synthesizer), Robin Lumley (synthesizer, piano), Jack Lancaster (lyricon), Phil Collins (percussion)
18. Hunters – Cozy Powell (bass drum), John Hiseman (snare drums), Bill Bruford (snare drums), Phil Collins (cymbals), Jack Lancaster (lyricon, flutes), Henry Lowther (trumpet)
19. Rock And Roll Celebration – Bernie Frost (vocals), Gary Moore (guitar), Robin Lumley (piano), Jack Lancaster (lyricon, saxes), Andy Pyle (bass), Phil Collins (drums)
20. Duck Escape – Gary Moore (guitar)
21. Final Theme – Julie Tippetts (vocals: solo), Bob Sergeant (choir), Erika Michilenko (choir), Bernie Frost (choir), Jack Lancaster (lyricon, saxes, clarinets), Robin Lumley (piano), Gary Moore (guitars), Percy Jones (bass), Phil Collins (drums), Alvin Lee (solo guitar)



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