Aphrodite’s Child – End of the World (1968/2010) Philips/Esoteric

A görög zenekar három lemeze közül ez volt az első. 
A csapat: Demis Roussos: Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Bass, Vocals; Vangelis: Organ; Lucas Sideras: Drums, Percussion, Timbales.
Vendégként Claude Chauvet vokálozik az 1. és 4. számokban.

A számok:
1. “End of the World” (B. Bergman, B. Papathanassiou) – 3:11
2. “Don’t Try to Catch a River” (Bergman, E. & B. Papathanassiou) – 3:37
3. “Mister Thomas” (B. Bergman, E. Papathanassiou) – 2:47
4. “Rain and Tears” (B. Bergman, E. Papathanassiou) – 3:09
5. “Grass Is So Green” (B. Bergman, E. Papathanassiou) – 5:59
6. “Valley of Sadness” (B. Bergman, E. Papathanassiou) – 3:11
7. “You Always Stand in My Way” (B. Bergman, E. Papathanassiou) – 3:53
8. “The Shepherd and the Moon” (B. Bergman, E. Papathanassiou) – 3:00
9. “Day of the Fool” (B. Bergman, E. Papathanassiou) – 5:51



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