Leo Kottke – 6- and 12-String Guitar (1969/2004) Takoma Records

Leo Kottke 1945-ben Georgia állam Athens városában született, s John Fahey mellett az úgynevezett “Amerikai primitív” zenei mozgalom egyik fő képviselője. Jellegzetes, egyéni ujjpengetős tecnhnikája és a blues, a jazz és a folk elemeit ötvöző játékstílusa mellett polifónikus dallamvezetése jellemzőek előadásmódjára.
Pályafutását többször meg kellett szakítania különböző egészségügyi problémák (részleges süketség, ínhüvely gyulladás) miatt, de szerencsére gyógyulása után mindíg újra visszatért a zenéhez.
Nagyon szeretem a lemezeit.
Ez volt az első lemeze, amely John Fahey kiadójánál jelent meg.

Side One
1. “The Driving of the Year Nail” (From an old Etruscan drawing of a sperm cell) 1:54
2. “The Last of the Arkansas Greyhounds” (A terror-filled escape on a bus from a man fired from Beaumont ranch) 3:18
3. “Ojo” (Ojo Caliente where Zuni hid from Esteban, the Moor, and the Spaniards) 2:14
4. “Crow River Waltz” (A prayer for the demise of the canoe and the radar trap without which Federal prisons will have to be rebuilt to accommodate prepubescence) 3:20
5. “The Sailor’s Grave on the Prairie” (Originally written to commemorate Nedicks and a Minneapolis musician’s contempt for the three a.m. cheeseburger with a nickel slice of raw) 2:34
6. “Vaseline Machine Gun” (1) for waking up nude in a sleeping bag on the shore of the Atlantic surrounded by a volleyball game at high noon, and 2) for the end of the volleyball game) 3:11
7. “Jack Fig” (A reluctant lament) 2:14

Side Two
1. “Watermelon” (While at Watermelon Park Music Festival I had the opportunity to play banjo in the middle of the night for a wandering drunk. When I finished he vomited — an astute comment on my playing. Made me feel very distinguished) 3:12
2. “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” (J.S. Bach The engineer called this the ancient joy of man’s desire. (Bach had twenty children because his organ didn’t have any stops)) 2:24
3. “The Fisherman” (This is about the mad fishermen of the North whose ice fishing spots resemble national shrines) 2:32
4. “The Tennessee Toad” (Who made an epic journey from Ohio to Tennessee) 2:40
5. “Busted Bicycle” (Reluctance) 2:48
6. “The Brain of the Purple Mountain” (From A.L. Tennyson) 2:11
7. “Coolidge Rising” (While rising from the sink, cupboard doors opened and engulfed his head; while turning to the right to avoid the whole incident he walked into a refrigerator — which afforded a good chin rest for staring at some bananas in a basket) 2:50



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Leo Kottke – 6- and 12-String Guitar (1969/2004) Takoma Records” bejegyzéshez egy hozzászólás

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