Gary Moore – Run for Cover (1985) EMI

1985-ben, amikor ez az album nyolcadik szólólemezeként megjelent, Gary Moore (1952-2011) már ismert és elismert gitáros volt. Erre a lemezére sokan mégis az igazi nagy áttörésként emlékeznek.

A számok:
1. “Run for Cover” – 4:13
2. “Reach for the Sky” – 4:46
3. “Military Man” (Phil Lynott) – 5:40
4. “Empty Rooms” (Gary Moore, Neil Carter) – 4:17
5. “Out of My System” – 4:01
6. “Out in the Fields” – 4:17
7. “Nothing to Lose” – 4:41
8. “Once in a Lifetime” – 4:18
9. “All Messed Up” (Gary Moore, Neil Carter) – 4:52
10. “Listen to Your Heartbeat” – 4:31

Gary Moore – guitar, vocals (All songs)
Gary Ferguson – drums (“Run for Cover”, “Once in a Lifetime”, “All Messed Up”)
Glenn Hughes – bass (“Run for Cover”, “Reach for the Sky”, “Out of My System”, “Nothing to Lose”, “All Messed Up”), vocals (“Reach for the Sky”, “All Messed Up”, “Nothing to Lose”, “Out Of My System”)
Andy Richards – keyboards (All except “Nothing to Lose”, “All Messed Up”)
Neil Carter- vocals (“Run for Cover”, “Empty Rooms”, “Nothing to Lose”, “Once in a Lifetime”, “Listen to Your Heartbeat”), keyboards (“Out of My System”, “Nothing to Lose”, “Once in a Lifetime”, “Listen to Your Heartbeat”)
Charlie Morgan – drums (“Reach for the Sky”, “Military Man”, “Out in the Fields”)
Phil Lynott – bass, vocals (“Military Man”, “Out in the Fields”)
Don Airey – keyboards (“Military Man”, “Out in the Fields”)
James (Jimbo) Barton – drums (sampled) (“Empty Rooms”)
Paul Thompson – drums (“Out of My System”, “Nothing to Lose”)
Bob Daisley – bass (“Once in a Lifetime”)


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