Tom Waits – It’s Just Blues, Too! (2006) Bootleg

Tom Waits

Blues Tom Waits módra, második fejezet.

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A számok:
01 – Tom Waits – Fumblin’ with the Blues
02 – Tom Waits – Goin’ Down Slow
03 – Tom Waits & J. J. J. Jazz – Spare Your Blush
04 – Tom Waits – Diamonds On My Windshield
05 – Tom Waits & Ed The Wrinkled – Tomcat Waits to Smoke
06 – Tom Waits – So Long I’ll See Ya
07 – Tom Waits – Ice Cream Man
08 – Tom Waits & Jani Kovacic – McCabe’s Guitar Shop Song
09 – Tom Waits – Gin Soaked Boy
10 – Tom Waits – Union Square
11 – Tom Waits – Ain’t Goin’ Down to the Well
12 – Tom Waits & Bob Margolin – Live Like Cat
13 – Tom Waits – Table Top Joe
14 – Tom Waits – Big Black Mariah
15 – Tom Waits & Marcella Gravina – Anywhere I Lay My Head (Mix)
16 – Tom Waits & Skip Spence – Books of Moses
17 – Tom Waits & Scott Blinn – Setting In An Uproar
18 – Tom Waits – Little Boy Blue
19 – Tom Waits – Walking Spanish
20 – Tom Waits – Whistlin’ Past the Graveyard
21 – Tom Waits – Jesus Gonna Be Here
22 – Tom Waits – New Coat of Paint
23 – Tom Waits – The Return Of Jackie And Judy
24 – Tom Waits – Get Behind the Mule
25 – Tom Waits – Down, Down, Down


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